Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pocasting | About Technology?

I have been going back and forth about what to make the theme of my podcast, as I really want it to be something that I utilize next year. Because I will be in a technology position next year, it would make the most sense to make the podcast about technology. My hesitation, however, is that I don't know how helpful it would be? 

I am a visual learner, so when it comes to technology, I need to just do. I am that person at any PD day that is losing my mind because I can't listen to someone tell me how to do something for one more second, I just need time to play around with it. 

Our tech teacher this year would send out all his ideas via email... a lot of email. It was with best intentions, hoping that people would find something they liked on their own time and use it in their classrooms. I am sure there were tons of great ideas there, but it became too much and I know most staff members not only deleted his emails, but didn't bother even seeing what was in them. That being said, I love the idea of a podcast on technology. Something semi-quick and easy for my colleagues to listen to on the way to work, and pick up a few ideas.

I feel that if I can describe a program or idea to use in the classroom, and describe it in detail, it could translate well into a podcast. 

Would you listen to a podcast on educational technology?


  1. Yes, I think I would. But also I might check with Dr. Ingram about doing a screencast. In his June 18 announcement he talked about how some students have done that, but to consider how it will impact the learning environment. Obviously they would need to be in front of a computer to use your screencast. I would be more likely to watch a screencast of a tech program than read an email or just listen to it since I am a visual learner too. Good luck with the ideas!

  2. I am feeling exactly the same way with my podcast! But personally, yes, I would listen to educational technology podcasts.

  3. Great point Leanna!
